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Saturday, April 28, 2012

Adventure World: 2. Lair of The Yeti (Yeti Mystery2)

Tibet - Mystery of Yeti (2)
Marion Ravenwood is with you and she will guard the entrance. Explore the Lair of the Yeti and foil the Mercenaries plot!
Ask friends for: 5 Rose-Yeti Stones (Individually), 10 Alpine Forensic Kits (Wall Post)
Rewards: 150-700 coins, 5 Fish Glyphs
Beasties: Jumping Spider 10hp
Gadgets: Bear trap (damage 10hp)
6 days

Expert Mode: Complete in 2 Days and receive 1 Energy Vitamin Bottle
QUEST 1: Yeti Investigation 
(Footprints, Noisemakers and Yeti)
QUEST 2: Yeti Knowledge 
(Read Yeti Cave Paintings, Sleeping Mats and collect the Yeti Toys) 
QUEST 3: Scare the Mercenaries 
(Get Yeti Hair, Practice Yeti Growl on Stalagmites, Build and Use Fake Yeti)
Overview Starting Point
Puzzle 1: 
Click on the pillars until they have the same symbols as in the floor.

Climbing Gear to climb up Ice Walls
Obstacles and beasts:
Yeti Investigation:
Quest 1: All through the map use the collected 10 Alpine Forensic kits from friends, when investigating the 10 Mercenary Footprints and recover the 10 Noisemakers.
Quest 2: Know Yeti by knowing 5 of each things of him: Toys, Mats and Paintings (you need 5 stones from friends).
Quest 3: Yeti-shaped Stalagmites and Noisemakers should be used to scare the Mercenaries, as they did with Yeti to scare him from his cave. Let's give them a taste
of their own medicine.
You need to do all the Quest3 - Scare the Mercenaries to reach the center, this means, gathering all Yeti hair, clicking in all Stalagmites, recover all noisemakers and build the fake Yeti. Then, the fire will be extinguish. There is NO SWITCH for the lava here.
When you step on those tiles the walls comes down. DO NOT DO IT if you have another option like above.

Click on the image to see details:Map of Maria
Yellow:  Cave Paintings
Green: Yeti Sleeping Mats
Black: Footprints
Dark Purple: Noisemaker
Blue: Yeti Toy
Red: Puzzles
Orange: Switches
White:  Caves
It is needed a new Key!

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