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Monday, March 12, 2012

Adventure World: 5. Empty Islands - Triangle Islands

Empty Islands
Triangle Islands (5/6)
"These islands are a weird place. Do what you can to signal to the mainland" "If all else fails, large Signal Fires will be seen at night from a distance"

Ask Friends: 10 Right Frequency by individual request

Tools: Suggested Max upgrade tools (all of them, including new axe and hammer)
Gadgets: Snake Poisons, Bear Traps, grappling hooks (2)
Full Crew Helpers
Rewards: 5 Water Glyphs, 150-700 coins
Overview - Starting Point 


Quest 1: Get Found
Quest 2: S.O.S.
Quest 3: Light Bright
Overview 1: North-West Side
This expedition is a very large map, so I am numbering the islands. Islands #4 and #6 are dead-end, and you need to return to the previous island to go forward.

Overview 2: North-East Side
Overview 3: South-East Side
Island #1 - Starting
First of all, received the right frequency from friends. Then gather Wreckage Scrap (3) and you are ready to repair the Radio Tower. Use a grappling hook, to save energy.

Island #2

For lighting the camp fire you need to (1) collect 3 wood logs, (2) build the camp fire and at last (3) use the torch to fire it. (For me it takes 6 energy each, if I didn't miss it - whatever it is a lot of energy for each).

I use a snake poison in the island #4 and lured the other snakes to this island.

Island #2, 3 and 4
Island #5
This one is very clear what to do: collect scrap, kill snake, hack the sand pile, vines and bush to get to the radio tower. Light the camp fire.

Island #6 - Hidden Cave #1 (Hammer Cave)
I didn't collect anything in the cave. Not worthy for energy (you need at least 6 energy for the pegs, and probably you will be rewarded less with the treasure chest).

Island #7
I decided here to collect the wood logs, using a grappling hook to reach to the radio tower. I also used a snake poison and a crew helper.

Island #8
More 2 snakes to kill - Do you still have an extra snake poison? Use one more grappling hook. Cut some more wood logs for completing your quest (check how many do you still need - in total you need to collect 30).
Island #9
From Island 8 to Island #10
Island #10: 10 Beach Trees - 3 Snakes again  
Cut down these 10 Beach Trees 

Hidden Cave:

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