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Tuesday, April 17, 2012

Adventure World: 2. Cleopatra's Boudoir

2. Cleopatra's Boudoir
Path to Love (2/3)
"Give Emily's love letters to KEN and he will give you a carpet. Give Emily's love letters to TRIP and he will give you pants."
Ask friends for:  10 Cleopatra's Seals  (Wall Post), 15 Big Mothballs  (individual requests), 10 Love Letters  (individual requests)
Rewards: 5 Water Glyphs and 150-750 coins
Gadgets: Snake poison don't work here, so don't waste it.
6 days

Quest 1: Red Carpet Treatment 
Quest 2: Mummy Guardians are after you
Quest 3: Emily's Love Letters - TRIP or KEN
Quest 1: Red Carpet Treatment
You need to receive 15 Big Mothballs from friends and then using them on carpets scattered around the mapRecover Cleopatra's Carpet will be only at the end. Along the path, you will need to defeat 30 Cleopatra's Asps (snakes).

Quest 2: 
Guardians of Her Heart - 
Mummy Guardians are after you
Receive the 10 Cleopatra's Seals from friends. Close the Sarcophagus below:
  • Captain of the Guard's Sarcophagus
  • Chief Scribe's Sarcophagus
  • Pool Boy's Sarcophagus
These sarcophagi are found pretty far apart from one another, with plenty of snakes and other obstacles in between them. If you're having trouble finding one or more of them, use the "Show Me" buttons within the quest window to have the game point them out to you.

Quest 2: Emily's Love Bug - Love Letters

The Mailbag at the very beginning of this map will offer a free Love Letter every 12 hours, or you can ask your friends to send them to you instead. Give love letters to Trip, you get pants, give the love letters to Ken and he will give you a carpet.

Ref. #1
Bye-bye Snake!!!
Ref. #2
Puzzle Ref. #2

1, 2 and 3 - Switches
4 - Way to carpet
5- Clean Carpet
6- Hidden Cave #1: Herding Scarabs

1. Switches for walls to go downs (No exit)
2. Exit

- 2 Sarcophagus (Chief's Guard and Pool Boy's)
- Some carpets (5?)

Give love letters to Trip or Ken. Ken gives you a carpet but you need to kill a snake. Trip will give you pants.

Hidden Caves:
Hidden Cave #1

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