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Saturday, May 12, 2012

Adventure World: Loading Issues and Problems

Adventure World Game
Loading Problems!!!
Zynga is giving some suggestions to solve loading issues, but they are polemic suggestions. Some players have been able to fix this problem, by removing neighbors. If you can't remove your neighbors, you can ask Zynga to do it for you.

Check below one answer from a Zynga agent. 

John can't load Adventure World game, so he contacted Zynga.  It was suggested to erase all in your game and been replaced by a "model" player with level 41. The answer doesn't mention anything about neighbors, what makes the assumption that the neighbors will be the same.

Are you not able to play for weeks or months? I believe this is worthy to try, in that case.
Cegamers has launched an option list and they are offering to help all players in need.
CLICK HERE to see Cegamers help.

“Hello john,
This is Ana, I understand you are having difficulties with loading the game.

John, allow me to explain to you that we have an offer to make which involves erasing your actual game data and loading a new one that is working fine.

The game data that is working contains the following:
Level 41, 150 Energy, 10000 Supplies, 1000 Oil, Food, Water, also 100,000 Coins and finally 500 Cash.

Fully Built/Upgraded Buildings:
- Farm
- Well
- Fuel Depot
- Tool Shop
- Emily’s Tent
- Indy’s Tent
- Zoey’s Tent
- Storage Shed
- Sallah’s Bazaar
- Belloq’s Black Market
- Supply Drop
- Biplane
- The 4 Ruine Sites
- Fountain of Youth
- Coffee Plant
- Prof. Allen's Artifact Tent (but 0 artifacts built/placed)
- Dragon Chest (placed)

Generator - Level 1
Totem of the Ages - (base only)
Windmill - Level 2
Egyptian Obelisk - Level 3
Tools - Level 4 (all of them)

All the Expansions are unlocked as well. Some Decorations are missing, but we can restore them anyway; the same applies with the Zoology Animals.

About your Statistics: Max Energy, Energy Bar, XP and Adventure Cash. As soon as we change your game data we will update these values to the ones you had in your previous game. You will be able to see this from the very first game loading.

On our side, we recommend to avoid overloading your Base Camp with any unnecessary Items/Decorations. We understand you might want to decorate your Base Camp but too many animated objects can cause a loading issue even though this game we are adding is a fresh copy.

Anything else that is not on this list and you have in your actual game can be replaced. We recommend to make a list of the items you currently have, this will help us restore at least 95% (or 100% possibly) of the items you currently have on your Base Camp.

If you agree with this or you have any question in regards this process, please let me know.

Have a great day!
Ana Marcela
Zynga Player Advocate"


  1. I would love for you to do this for me, except I was Level 52 when I was unable to play anymore, Level 41 is unacceptable. I also had all available animals..is it possible to do this for me??

    1. This is not your Facebook account, I think. could you please contact me for the Facebook Page, so I have your information. I will contact Zynga for you, trying to get the best as possible.

  2. My name is David and I will be more than happy to assist you today!

    We appreciate your time and cooperation in working with us to resolve your loading issue. Our developers are still working hard on a solution and we apologize that you still have not been able to access the game.

    We are aware that you have dedicated a lot of time and effort to Adventure World and would like to propose another option that will help you access the game again.

    Before we provide further details of this option, it is important to mention that if you choose to take this option, your current Base Camp will be replaced with a new one and you will lose all neighbors and Mastery Stars. There will be no way to get your Base Camp or Mastery Stars back. Don't worry about having no neighbors as you can always add up to 150 neighbors again.

    If you choose to go with this option, your new Base Camp and account will include:

    -Your current Level, Cash, XP and Energy Capacity plus the following:

    500 Cash
    100,000 Coins
    150 Energy
    10,000 Goods
    1,000 Oil
    1,000 Food
    1,000 Water

    - All Quests that have been released up until recently will be complete.

    - The following Buildings will be fully built: Food, Water, Oil, Tool Shop, Emily's Tent, Indy's Tent, Zoey's Tent, Storage Shed, Sallah's Tent, Belloq's, Black Market, Supply Drop, Plane, The 4 Big Sites, Fountain of Youth, Coffee Plant, Artifact Tent ( 0 artifacts built/placed), Dragon Chest (placed), Generator (Level 1), Totem of Ages (Level 1), Windmill (Level 2), Egyptian Obelisk (Level 3), Tools (Level 4).

    - All Base Camp's expansions are unlocked

    - 5 of each Gadget

    We have come up with this solution to help you access the game again and hope that you remain a dedicated player. If you decide to choose this option, please respond to this email and we will take care of this as soon as possible.

    1. Thanks for your reply and updating us. I also got another case of a friend that she lost her neighbors. Mastery stars is new for me. Thanks again!

  3. I have had enough so I quit- They WIN
    I feel like I am being punished as the level is nowhere near where it was
    You state Your current Level, Cash, XP and Energy Capacity
    My level was 53 now 41 – 12 levels STOLEN!!!
    My energy was 1900 + 20 x 120 energy’s = 4300
    NOW 252 + 2 X 90 (180) 432 around 10 % of what I had means 4000 STOLEN!!
    Energy capacity was 43 now 30

    No stars for any quest so 0 have been completed but having gained 2 stars on nearly EVERY Quest
    Gadgets– I did have at least 23 of ALL 19 of them = 437 I now have 3 gadgets in total means 434 STOLEN!!
    Tibetan tools I had to buy –now level 1 I had all 5 up to level 6 +
    I had a full set of 50 of all the old Glyphs now a total of 9 means 291 STOLEN!!!
    I had 50 of each of all the new Glyphs now total of 15 means 285 STOLEN
    no use in playing any moe
    Fare the well

    1. I am so sorry to read you are quitting and very unhappy about this situation. These are not good news for other people in the same situation. Did you try to demand more from Zynga? If not, please do try. It is very sad that a player like you quits the game. I still consider this the best game ever. All these differences, zynga should make up for them.

  4. En la mision the lost arena no puedo enceder una antorcha el paso esta bloqueado, ya me ha pasado alguna vez mas, supongo que es un error de carga del juego, se que para solucionarlo he de dejar que caduque la mision y volver a empezarla, las otras veces me ha funcionado , el problema es que pierdo los objetos necesarios para la mision y tengo que volver a pedirlos a mis vecinos y cuesta conseguirlos hay alguna otra solucion, si la hay agrdeceria me la comunicasen

    1. Hola... nos podrias especificar ¿cual de todas las antorchas no puedes encender?. Hay algunas que se activan mientras avanzas en la misión presionando los botones rojos, que también van apareciendo mientras matas, ya sea a las arañas, cobras o momias. Una vez que avanzas, puedes volver por si se habilito algun paso. Tambien, destruyendo las rocas, sacando la arena, puedes abrirte paso. También hay dos cuevas para explorar.

      Recuerda, además nos cambiamos de sitio web...


      Hay esta la información de las ultimas misiones.

    2. otra cosa... no es necesario a que esperes hasta que el tiempo de la mision termine... solo envia un mensaje al soporte de zynga indicando tu problema y que terminen la mision por ti, ellos te solicitaran una confirmación de que aceptas que terminen la mision por ti, y luego ya estará disponible... en el mensaje incluye que necesitas que te repongan los materiales. Si tienes problemas con la solicitud de materiales, ingresa al grupo que usamos para compartir las solicitudes que se publican en los muros de los usuarios


      o el grupo de ayuda... la mayoria de las personas escribe en ingles, pero hay varios que respondemos en español, asi que no te preocupes por eso...


      Estos links tambien estan aca en la pagina, y en la nueva pagina


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