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Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Adventure World: West Pole-Artic Ascent

"You need the key to open the gate to pass through the Courtyard. Only the will you reach the Temple of Nikolas!"

Requirements: 1550 Supplies, 3 Food/Fuel/Water
Ask Friends: 16 Hair Dryers by individual request
Full Crew

Adventure World: Sallah's Bazaar and New Tools Upgrade

Sallah's Bazaar

Released 31 Jan 2012 

New Tools are a Shovel, a Brush and a Torch. These new items will come in very handy for Egypt. The new friend Sallah will take care that you can upgrade these new tools in his place: Sallah’s Bazaar. 
Once you place the Bazaar on your Base Camp, you can begin to upgrade.
Each of these Tools can be upgraded to Level 4. Each upgrade will increase one more damage. 

Added to the Bazaar an Axe (1st Lost Pyramids) and an Hammer (2nd Lost Pyramids)

Monday, January 30, 2012

Adventure Wold: Dig Site (Riddle of the Sphinx) Guide

"Watch out for the Horned Beetles. Once you remove their shell they are not a problem."

Full Crew
Hidden Caves: 2 hidden caves
Ask Friends: 10 Drill Bits, 10 Repair Kits (Wall Post)
Time Limit: 7 days
Starting point Overview

Adventure World: West Pole - Balloon Business

"It turns out that Dr Klaus is stranded because his balloon carriage crash landed on the way to the Andes.  No wonder he was stealing cookies to survive.  But why?  What could this strange explorer be after?"
Requirements: 1550 supplies, 3 food/fuel/water
Gadgets: 3 Dynamite, several snake baits, snake poisons.... whatever can help with the dammm ...mm... snakes
Full Crew is a plus, very handy.
Rusty Keys: 2 for the hidden caves (Optional)
Ask Friends: 12 Carriage Cement, 12 Plant Repair Potions
Time Limit: 5 days

Adventure World: Riddle of the Sphinx - Riverfront Rescue

If you have the new game layout, you can find the the new set of expeditions in the Riddle of the Sphinx, by clicking on the icon on the bottom of the map. Then choose the Riverfront Rescue expedition.

Gadgets: 6 Dynamites (optional)
Ask Friends: 10 Venom Vials

Adventure World: Zoology-The Elusive Ocelot

Requirements (Level 9? and completed Emily's Zoology tent): 
175 Supplies, 2 Food/Fuel/Water,
Gadgets: 1 Dynamite
Hidden Caves: 2 Rusty Keys
Ask friends: 15 Jungle Catnip
5 days

Adventure World: New Layout

Some of the players are getting this new layout. It looks that Adventures and expeditions become the same, both UNLIMITED TIME. The adventures are group by thema, for example:

Thursday, January 26, 2012

Adventure World: Storage Shed

Storage Shed

The storage is buildable. After built you can store up to 10 décor items. The storage will be at Level 1 and you will be able to upgrade it until Level 4 to store up to 100 décor items.
Here are the needed materials to build the storage:

The 4 levels storage:
Storage stages
Level 4 requires: 50 of each item

"Store" icon: 
You can add items into your Shed by clicking on the “Store” icon and then choosing the décor item on your Base Camp.
Be aware that not all décor items can be moved to the Storage Shed, although you will find that most décor items are eligible. This will allow you to gather many items throughout your adventures and organize your Base Camp without running out of space. 

If you can't see the Storage Shed
Please click on the Build graphic and it should be located under the Buildings tab. 
Quoting Zynga about this storage:
From suggestions posted on Zynga forums, to comments on our blog posts and feedback on our Facebook Fan page, we have heard our Players say “We want the ability to store items and unclutter our Base Camp.”  Thanks to all of you for providing feedback through the different channels that we have to offer.
Based on your feedback, we have prioritized this as a requested feature and we plan to introduce the Storage Shed for your Base Camp! 

Source: Zynga Blog

Adventure World: Scientific Survey

"You need to help Emily to build a scientific outpost to study animals of Mesoamerica.  There are a lot of materials around there to help the construction of Emily's tent."

Requirements: 175 supplies, 2 food/fuel/water
Gadgets: 2 Dynamites
Ask Friends: 10 Though Vines
Time Limit: 5 days
Full Crew: This map requires a lot of energy, many obstructions and snakes (4hits for the green snakes and 6 hits for the red snakes - best whip 1 hit and 2 hits)
Note:  Crew members CANNOT move blocks


Quest 1

Quest 2
Quest 3


Quest 1
Quest 2: Locations
Quest 3: Flowers Locations
Hidden Caves:
Hidden Caves Location 

There are many possible solutions to this puzzle below. This is one of the solutions:

One possible solution to that puzzle:

Adventure World: River of Gold-4.Golden Waters

"We must look for the the 3rd mysterious Golden map piece.  Wondering where this cave will take us and where the river will emerge?"

"The river ends at this ancient temple. Once inside, find the Map Room and solve the mystery! Onward!"

"Use the collected pieces to construct the Golden Map in the Map Room and discover the secret"

Requirements: 50 supplies, 2 food/fuel/water
Ask Friends: 10 Hieroglyph Translation Books-Wall Post, and 12 Artifact Solvent by individual request
Unlimited Time ?

Quest 1: Map Room
Quest 2: Study the Egyptan Artifacts
 Quest 3: Find the remaining Golden Maps pieces 
Staring Point: 
Cut the grass to uncover that blue button, 
and use the switch behind to open the doors. 

 Overview 1

You can clean some of the way to the Blue ancient statue, for example cut the bush and break the 1st stone. The release the snake, by cutting that bush near her and go on in your way to the blue ancient statue. Go around until you lure the snake into the blue spikes. 
I did this place, but it doesn't give any advantage in the map. 
After the place in the overview 1, you can go right or left. I am going to choose left, because I know there is the blocks puzzle and some people are having a bug there. Let's see if I catch something.
Here you only need to cross over to the other side, without stepping on the X tiles, otherwise you will have extra some snakes. Start by breaking that stone block on the left of your subject.
 Break the stone blocks (X). Follow the positions 1,2 and 3.

Only one way to go: cut the stone and the bush (bridge #3). Investigate the Ancient Anubis Statue. Push the block 2x and 2 ways get clear (red circle): access to the bridge #4 is clear and to the left side of the map.
Use the grappling hook and collect the goden tile #1
Following this way looks to be waste of energy. Go back to "Overview 1" and take the right side this time.
Right side in the overview 1
Snakes Behind the Walls
Be very careful here to click tile by tile, otherwise you release snakes and they come in couples. After crossing to the other side, click on the Egyptian Wall Painting. Then pushing buttons... all for the Golden Tile #2.
Only cross to the other side,
except if you want to collect the vases and a big snake fight.
Overview 2
The last golden tile is exactly on the middle of this overview, and before it an yellow trap. There are more two Egyptian Wall Paintings. Only place that you can skip is on the corridor between the egyptian wall paintings, except if you don't want to use the grappling hooks.
Hidden Cave 2 and the Golden Tile 
Overview 2

Click on the switch and then one block comes down. An arrow shows the location you need to place this block, and as soon it is on its place, another block comes down, and then you can match by the design or check the solution below.

Don't forget to collect the vases, before going to your base camp. I did!!!

Below there are 3 maps with all the locations, from Zynga's Official Forum:
Quest 1: Switches Locations
Quest 2: locations
Quest 3: Locations
Hidden Caves Locations

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